There is always so much to do here that the time flies.
The bullfight last week was really interesting. I'm really glad I went. The first couple bulls were sad but once I got over it I actually really enjoyed it. I'm sure there was a ton of stuff going on that I didn't understand because sometimes the crowd would get really riled up and upset and other times they would go crazy cheering. I picked up on a few little traditions with it, like before the torero is going to kill the bull he throws his hat off and if it lands upside-down it is bad luck but if it lands right side-up it is good luck. People get really into that.
It was so hot at the bull fight though. The section we were sitting in was one of the last ones to get shade so we were sitting in the sun, no breeze, in over one-hundred-degree heat. I don't think I have ever sweated so much! But it was still fun.
The feria was also cool to see last week. We went two different nights. The first night we just kind of explored it for a few hours and rode one of the rides. There was lots of food and candy and a lot of the women and young girls were wearing flamenco dresses around. The second night we got some drinks and hit up the discotecas that they have right in the feria. It was very interesting because we saw at least two fights. The first one we saw right when we got there and one guy got completely knocked out so his friends went after one of the other guys who was on the ground and they kept kicking him and punching him while he was curled up into a ball trying to protect himself. The second fight happened right in front of wearing we were sitting and people watching. One guy just ran up to another guy who was walking and punched him in the face. Then they got into a brawl and just when one of the guys brought a chair into it ready to start hitting the guy with it someone intervened. It was crazy! I've never really seen fights like before! I asked my senora about it and she said it is common there because the young guys drink a lot there really quickly and before you know it they are fighting. It was interesting that she wasn't really surprised at all that I saw that.
On a better note... the mountains were amazing last weekend! It was a little difficult but not too bad and the views were amazing! At one point I left my camera at one of the places we had stopped to take pictures and I didn't realize it until we had been walking down the mountain for about a half hour. So I made the resident director go back up with me to look for it. I was pretty much sprinting back up but I did find it! We went so fast though that we got back only about 5 minutes after the group we had been walking with when I realized my camera was gone. I don't know if I have ever been as thirsty as I was when we got back down. I will put all the pictures that I didn't lose :) up on my picasa Web site early next week hopefully. - that's the Web address.
This week hasn't been quite as busy as last week. I had a lot of projects and things do so I wasn't able to go out and do as much. Tonight I have salsa class and then will probably go out with a bunch of people- possibly to a discoteca that is up in this little pueblo called "Albacien." I don't know if I spelled that right. But the discoteca is in a cave and right outside it you can overlook the lit-up Alhambra. If I don't go tonight I will for sure go another night because it sounds like a really cool place.
Tomorrow a group of us are going to a beach that is a little bit closer to here. I guess the beaches here are a bit rockier but it will still be really fun and relaxing.
Saturday - you'll be impressed with this one dad- I'm going to a wine tasting during the afternoon. Maybe I will be able to develop a taste for it. Doubtful, but maybe!
That's all for now! Gotta run so I'm not late for my lunch back at home! :)
Hasta luego!
Time flies, don't it?